Friday, April 9, 2010


John Podhoretz , in an article in commentary magazines blog post , "It's not anti incumbent".
 Mr. Podhoretz believes its more a moment of dissatisfaction with democrats as opposed to all incumbents
both democrats and republicans. EXCERPT BELOW.

All this would suggest the November 2010 election should be a Throw-the-Bums-Out moment, in which every incumbent is in danger of being hauled off by an angry populace to the hangman’s noose.

But that is not, it seems, the way things are going. It appears, rather, that absent a dramatic turn in the country’s mood and a distinct sense among voters that their lives and the nation’s prospects are distinctly improving, the overwhelming weight of public dissatisfaction is going to fall on Democrats.

Newt Gingrich and the main stream Republican party insiders are all mobilizing
to take advantage of voter anger in the, 2010‘ midterm election. Like in 1993‘, The Republican Revolution.
Been there- done that. (National Endowment for the Arts)
Mitt Romney- Father of the new, “Magic 50”.(Massachusetts Health Care Law)
Sarah Palin is for John McCain who is/was for amnesty and is author of some of the grand failures of governments populist controls - Balanced Budget! Campaign Finance!

This all would simply be laughable if not for the fact that it is all taken serious by the
Media and policy makers both in and out of government.
The political capital of the republican and democratic parties has been spent.
The Democrats grand health care scheme- inside deal making and the constant policies of Obama, that expand the federal bureaucracy and ignoring the,” 800 lb gorilla in the room”. Constantly breaking his campaign promises and being something other than what he ran on.
The Republicans went against the fiscal conservatives and expanded government with
first stimulus and expanded the government thru the , patriot act and bushes Medicare drug expansion that cut deals for employers,” to not cut retires prescription drug benefits”, in return for tax credits. Which now is nothing more than a, house of cards- tumbling down like the cheap political trick of vote buying it was .
They also ignored Chinas policies that gave them unfair trade advantages over us,
thru protections of their own markets and currency manipulation. They also ignored the, “800 lb gorilla in the room “.

Newt Gingrich , in an interview on fox news noted that: The current movement among the disenfranchised, Tea partiers, Scott Brownian Massachusettsian revolution and poor poll results for the democrats in the mid term elections in November, may be the wave of voters that adopted the views of Ross Perot. I agree!
The one thing he didn't mention was that it , “The 800 lb gorilla in the room”.
Is none other than the, FREE TRADE POLICY.

The unfair practices of free trade have been ignored by the government and the elected officials and the Democrat and Republican parties, unless its for popular rhetoric pandering to the voters at election time.
Americans do have a sense that fairness and the ideas we live by and are governed by should also be used in our trade policies. They aren't being applied equally to our trading partners. They end up with our industries and jobs we end up getting more lip service about how we are better off with cheaper goods and an economic model of ,Capitalism that's the envy of the world. Bologna!
I must agree with John Podhoretz the mood affecting the ,“electorate revolution of 2010” may not be, Anti-Incumbent. It may be, ANTI-GOVERNMENT.

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