Monday, February 15, 2010

2010 third party evolution

The election in Massachusetts for , Ted Kennedys Senate seat was another sign that the electorate is ,"angered ". People , are plain miffed! Wall street, Chrysler, Climate change garbage unfair trade , allowing terorists the same rights we have , and the patriot acts, " big brother liberty stifeling effect" and Increases in the debt limit - to pay for the- to big to fails. JOBS? JOBS? JOBS? wars Honestly we only need to look at what has been happening over the last 20 years in american politics and the response by us . Lets start by going back to ,1994. Newt Gingrich and the TV Guide Republicans offered a radical alternative to the status of washington; but they fizzled and he went off on his own and got RICH ( we got lied to again). The election of President Obama was clearly a break from our pattern of punishing the Democrats and Republicans for their Disobedience. That election was about us and what we know, " WE HAVE EQUALLITY" we proved it by electing a Black American I can tell you it was a deliberate move for the sole purpose of proving we get it. AMERICA WORKS-the dream lives no matter what your race is. We have punished the TV guidearetors, the clintoncrats and ousted the Rovian ERA architects of american imperalism. collectively our role in the nation and control of the elections is REAL the information age has made the national Psychi operate like a THIRD PARTY. WE NOW SEE CLEARLY we can take the country BACK. We dont have aparty we are cross overs WE send a message to power brokers,Republican and Democrats Alike-No more koolaide! Now we have an alternative third party. The , PUBLICRATIC PARTY. America we found a way so cross over and control, the political system. Be LOYAL to yourself!!!!!!!

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