Thursday, February 25, 2010

World Recession Transfering Democratic Certainty

The uncertainty in the economies of the European Union the United States and other democratic nations. Have started to show more signs of unresponsiveness. After financial markets were bailed out in the democratic countries, there was a series of smaller programs aimed at stimulating their free markets thru freeing money for commerece in their prospective countries. Now in , 2010.We are faced with the same problems that we dealt with throughout the,Great Recession of the New Millenium. Employement continues to fall in the free market economies.The worsening situation  exasperates the need to protect the home markests by the Governments ; because
of political change brought about by high unemployement and citizen dissatisfaction of trade policys that cause more imports, cheaper goods to come into their country.Without benefit to their Domestic Productions.

China has had to limit its growth; because the curent communist system of government must grow to contain it. If the theory that free trade to China was a good idea to the free market capitalist system why has'nt it helped the countrys wealth that have invested in it?America and Europe have invested technology and money
in the Chinesse manufacturing system. That system has grown tremendously and has became very successful
contributing to the success of the free market capital arguemnets from the democratic nations doing business with the communist country.The imports flow into the trading partners of China because of the low price of the goods and the enormous quantitys sent out by it.The countrys it is trading with cant compete with their domestic markets against Chinas for several reasons the main one being the investments from their capital markets favor the low wage market of Chinas. So new investments follow the old ones to help support them and for new investments in the , Chinesse system has higher short term profits: because they have lost competitive markets in the home countrys market due partly to the industry's moving to China.

Has the capitalist systems been used to further communisim?Since the Communist in China, control the economic system in China it is a closed communist system.There by used for the ideoligy that more closely
aheares to the values of the system of rule in Communist Regimes.Why would the party adherants give up control and turn to a democratic sytem of rule of law when they are the law in and of itself now? The Communist party in its national control and local system of loyal promotion insures that it is the custom
of choice for the citizens.Communisim is theirs it is the system of government they have always had .
They enjoy those benefits and hardships of life and  that it is also the identity they have collectively.They form its military and its culture they are its patriots and strongest supporters.They also
participate in limits within the manufacture of its goods and advancing it's technological capabilities.
As an American citizen I could not simply adopt a new national ideology for the one I have now for fear of
uncertaintity in a new system.Expecting the people of China to adopt Democracy is idealistic at best, they wont.Using the export of the worlds economys to COMMUNISTS is dangerous, for the fight against oppression in the world. The issues with China on foreign affairs are the same, they advance causes that stop western expansion and enhance their power in the world..It doesnt matter whether they are using capitalisim to make goods and sell abroad and to let outside capital markets participate.Thru the manipulation and control of the profits  in their system the Chinesse can continue to use the rescources of their closed communist system to put pressure on the democratic nations  that are transfering  their wealth and  security
to them.Until they are unable to sustain the ability to remain free. Both economicaly and militarily.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Stimulus 2010

Stimulus. Reincarnation of the new deal with out bipartisan support.
Look back at the new deal and some of those programs. Are they gone yet? We needed to do something.
Creat jobs was it.Instead we supported the foreign affairs policy of , Capitalistic Romanticism. Using our industry and capital as a tool for policy abroad, to spread Democracy. Hows that workin?

The dominos began to fall when we reached an impasse in our abilty to support borrowing and continue to divert our capital markets to support the growth in CHINA.They couldnt lend us out of the recession. We couldnt grow our economy either no INDUSTRY to do it with- we lost the market. So it loomed larger until it became a political issue in 2008.
Communist China is a closed system. They use their capital to well invest in
nuclear facilitys in Iran and North Korea and to support other communist or ANTI-WESTERN policys that are pro-communist. I dont think buying treasurys by them was an accident. Look at the pressure we are under now.


Who will believe my verse in time to come,If it were filled with your most high desserts?Though yet,heavon knows it is but as a tomb Which hides your life,and shows not half your parts.XVII. Sonnets.

Friday, February 19, 2010

American Free Trade

We may be close to the end of the , "Capitalistic Romanticism" period in American foreign policy. It has become clear, where the work goes so do the profits.Then the jobs follow. Adam Smith said,"The Capital would be used to further ventures of what it was employed in".
Chinnese factories is what it was used in. Now it builds Chinas roads feeds their army pays their taxes and keeps our political and economic system fed with, cheap goods and political donations, and  our foreign affairs policy is partly conducted thru the commerce department. The huge profits they get from our former industrys. They now use against us and our government helps them.
This love for the notion of the, free enterprise system being romantic, and awe inspiring has became a policy for both the Europeans and Americans.
The foreign affairs policys that were used are still perpetuating the same, dreamy romantic idea ," that you can court a nation and seduce them with capitalism.
Causing them to become free and adopt democratic institutions".
This idea with out some basis for backing those institutions and enabeling the people of these countrys to adopt our style of citizen rule will fail.
We are not transplanting the American free enterprise system. Our foreign policy of
free trade is unfairly giving the competitive edge to the communist system because it is closed by its very nature. Markets are controlled and used to benefit the leadership
within the communist system and then to enforce its policys in its country to further the Disemination of Communisim against Democracy . The policys would not extend to profits and the use of enterprise to further the individualized choice.
Choice is expressly denied in the ,Communist system. Individual capitalistic practices
of freedom to start a business, free use of information, individual choice in the system, Controlling Rescources in an industry would all be issues for the state not the individual.Enterprise would be conducted by the party officials and controlled at the local level. Their would be no entrepnaureial spirit suddenly spring to life and take hold of the people.
The reality they live under the rule of communal governance would be frowned on by the very people it was designed to help they would not give up certantiy in there system for a new one that benefited a few lucky enough in its initial stages to participate and thrive. The american policy of enticing them with freedom thru greed and choice is flawed. Romanticism in capitalism as a foreign affairs policy was bound to happen. Given the immense success of our ability to use it in democratic institutions all over the world.The free trade policy by the united states has done more to harm our standing in the world losing industry controll, job lose  economic turmoil in the world it simply cannot work. The economic strength of america is tied to its ability to control and protect its commerce and lead the world economicaly and militarily. The practice is irresponsible it is the policy of appeasement . Without assurances from us that the core values of freedom of choice and the need to challenge assertions in the market and unfair and unjust practices in the capitalist system with the rule of law and of enforcing contracts, we can never truly have fair trade.Thus the worlds view , and uncertainty of America as the Leader of the free world is now challenged. The Democratic nations of the world cant simply stop being for freedom and the rule of law their commerce is one and the same. Obsurdity's arise when you try to seperate or piece out the capital markets from the free societys and transfer them to totalitarian systems.We would not transfer military secrets or control of our military to these systems or governments. The united states has elevated the communist system to be equal with democracy thru sharing capitalism and letting them clearly manipulate or system of rule of law with their system of control. When you enter the closed communist system you give up control. Hence the arguement that exporting capitalism to other countrys and systems of government as a foreign affairs tool to free people is flawed.
History is full of the dreamy notions of romance and the resulting fate of the befallen victims of ill fated love.
American Capitalism-beautiful and inspiring it has become. Transformed thru idealism to transcend a mere system of conducting commerce and codifying its means. To courting the relationship of the ideas Between Marx and Plato and Democracy and Communisim.


Two Party Rule is being challenged. Look at Massachusetts, 2010. It was the cross over vote that elected Scott Brown.

I believe its simple. We have a third option it isnt one we identify with.

Never the less it's viable and it has worked several times to produce monumental changes in the political landscape.1994-The republican revolution. 2008-the election of the First Black president.

When we see something unique that is in the best interests of the nation the national psyche acts like a third party.

My issue is it is this the," ability to collectively vote" using the core majority of centrist voters who are liberal and conservative and independent ; who see how out of touch Government has become. We can rein them in again by voting against the incumbet in this next mid term election in NOVEMBER. HISTORY is yours to make.

We can do this, the Publicratic response to the ,Two Party system will send a clear message to the partys that its time to tone down and shape up for the good of the country. We can still have our traditions of, Republican and Democrat. For one vote we speak together for the, sanctity of a notion to preserve an idea so profound that we alone enjoy its perpetration and keep its light for the world. The idea is the right to govern ourselves.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Clueless In Washington

The word of the day. PARTISAN. Senator Evan Bayh (D) Indiana announced he will not seek re-election for a third term. He was Governor of Indiana. He sited the," Politcs of Partisanship", as the reason he was leaving.

Funny we should have this, thread today in this political debate forum." Washington Cluless on the deficit".
I think Washington is just," plain clueless" in general. Not only about how to stop deficit spending. Very few issues have been dealt with in a clear decisive way, by the current leadership in the nations capital. Dysfunction appears to be the way the "Obama Administration" and the Democratic leadership work. The Republicans have became the ,"Obstructionistas" of the legislative process. Entrenching themselves in the, "Gorilla Warfare", of NO!
Actually I think its safe to say," Washington is just Plain, Clueless"!

Entrenched Politicians

Incumbent! Incumbent!Incumbent!

What has happened with the tea partys and other grass roots movements lately is the activists have became so enraged that they are moving in the only logical direction they can.
The democrats and republicans have had tone deft governance for so long
people are now forced to do the one thing they can do.
Vote against the incumbent.
In a poll from , CBS news-NewYork Times ,2010. 50% or more of people polled do not want to re-elect their current congressman.
Thats what is happening. In spite of the republican revolution( TV guiderators) and the near sweep for the democrats in 2008 and the election of the first Black American President.
We are left with the ONLY choice. "If ya cant vote with em, vote agin em".

Rationalizations of Limitations

Than we all agree? Start with all new citizen legislatuers?

We kick out all of the ones entrenched in washington and our state legislatures and start over? Ok.
On 3... 1.... 2.... 3. No party loyaltys. They have continually failed us and grown government beyond the sane limits and sensibilitys of our free society. We here by declare the two party system Corrupt and void of rational. Our participation in the political process will be directed towards maintaining the idea of." limited terms for representation from our elected officials". We are forced to vote against the incumbent, Be they good or bad. In order to limit the damage we have caused by our loyalties to the,
false choice of the two party system. In oder that we may enforce the declarations set out by the founding of our federated republican government.
You dont need a tea party or anything else to lead you. You are it.. You can do it with out a leadership. WE HAVE THE CROSS OVER VOTE!

Identity Politics

The problem is us! The system of politics is a just that , a system of the very people and I deas that have became so removed from our own lives.

If you will not purge the system of the two partys.

What chance have you got of changing it? We have in modern times several times changed completly the partys in control of the government and each time we grow more disillusioned with the results.

The safety of your political institutions has became analalogus to your civil libertys.

This choice you make to go down the path of conformity to the," two party rule" of entrenched anti-Amwericanism.

Is nothing more than a tradition .

It wouldnt be any different then any others like your familys traditions- handed down and repeated exactly as they were. So YOU will also - Simply ; because it feels safe!

It is that sense of fear you must overcome. If you vote the party not you, decides whom will represent you. I promise you as it has been in the past. They will pick someone who more closely holds their views and tows their party line.

We have been doing this voting for the two partys it has been a failure.

For the first time in America we have the sense that it hasnt worked the structure of conformity to our old traditions has failed us too many times.

So I ask you." lets not do the same thing over and over expecting different results". Lets stop the insanity of, Identity politics once and for all.

False Security

I appeal to the GOD fearing," patriot actioners", among you.

Do not fear! it is still legal to," detain us indefinetly and in secret".

The rule of law will keep you safe.

That is if the party in power is the one you trust.

If not, then be afraid be very afraid.

False premise: The patriot Act is needed to try terrorists in A military court.

The Patriot Act was needed to make it Legal for congreess to Suspend our constitutional rights and to be able to use the powers of several spy agencys inside the united states. We have always used the military to try Military combatants, Whats new is USING those same tactics in the U.S.

Thats why I said" It is now Legal to detain you in secret indefinetly with out a trial INSIDE THE UNITED STATES. We have always done it in times of war, ONLY to enemys. Now we do it to citizens.

What we gave up was our right to a fair and impartial trial before a jury of our peers and to confront the evidence against us. Now the evidence is SECRET.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sweet Flowers

Sweet Flowers, blossoming
as my youth is swept away
Tempting the heart and stirring
the soul.

To see their magnificent
splendor haunts the senses.
The images that I can only
taste with my mind are
forever etched deep in
my heart as fleeting
glimpses of my youthful

 Time ever playing
 her cruel symphony
 leaving me with the
 Memories that haunt
 and torcher my soul .

To have lived in love,
as a youth is strength
and sustenance for

The,"Sweet Flowers",
 that blossom before
 me are ; but reminders
 of loves lost.

 In seasons that are
 changed by the warmth
 of  my needing the
 chill of longing the
 cold of loneliness and
 the heat of passion.

Re-doing this. 12//10

As The Day draws near

As the day draws near, to its end I wait patently for another to begin. Memorys past lay close at hand, while thinking of you and the morning to come. I long for the rush of our meeting again I hasten to come here feeling it when, I know we shall part to return once again, as new days must start and old nights must end.

Earthly Angels

Who will believe my verse in time to come,If it were filled with your most high desserts?Though yet,heavon knows it is but as a tomb Which hides your life,and shows not half your parts.If I could Write the beauty of your eyes,And in fresh numbers number all your graces,The ages to come would say,This poet lies, Such heavenly touches ne'er touch'd earthly faces .So should my papers yellowed with their age,Be scorned,like old men of less truth than tounge;And your true rights be termed a poet's rage,And stretched metre of an antique song: Sonnet XVII Shakespeare.
With each stroke of my pen this image :The picture clear in my mind of an angel ,Painstakingly resists my frail attempts at capturing her and holding the wondrous, gracious nature of this moment in time for the world to see .The madness that surrounds my feelings is the dire consequence of ,honest emotions that feed the dreams ;I live in endless pursuit.Haunted by the dream to paint the vision of this celestial creature thus given to the day and owning the night. This dream fleeting ,elusive cannot be captured !These labors, ceaseless and agonizing ; must occupy A good portion of the hearts and souls of countless men... To make something out of these emotions and thoughts and of re-living the moment and etching it in the fabric of time,; making it real and lasting,.From the very moment our paths crossed. I have been infatuated with the image of an angel conducting the symphony of a restless night. This is the risk we take ,by letting ourselves be consumed by the flames that," Emerson" has shown us start from embers - and consume everything around them until; The whole of the world feels the fire that "sparks eternal passion".

THE GREAT RECESSION of the New Millenium

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Its nice to see we have two executive branchs at once working to solve and deepen the current Economic crisis.
The Bush-Obama , Approach to the souring state of captalism is vastly the same , ONE giving urgency to
all the give aways, the other giving lip service.
The answer to the bloated government , " Pay to fail as you go , Stimulus debacle"; is not more money its simply more security thru JOBS!
American jobs. jobs , jobs, jobs we work we buy we spend what we have. NO jobs no buying no keeping agreements.
ITS simple.. Manufacturing creates jobs not service work.
Bring back manufacturing. Soon someone will they have to
free trade was nothing more than hper feel goodism for republicans who practice capitalism as their Religion.
It did'nt work. Trading with a country who demands the free market be returned to them after a period of time, (in the case of the Communist Chineese agreements) is not freeing the capital to work as it does here. The Chineese and the other Foreign countrys Build their own roads, invest in there political and economic and military systems . The money is used to invest in countrys like Venezuela and Cuba Ptins Russia, Iran and To help feed North Koreas Army.
What has happened is not Redistribution of Jobs and services to developing countrys,;But the Greed and selfish selling off of american PUBLIC CORPORATIONS by
Careless Business people ,who used Power and Control of the government to get trade deals done that helped them use our Industrys to enrich themselves .
We see first hand what , " The Greed of- Foreign Agrandisement and national Disdain ", has brought us to.
The Great Recession of The new Millineum.

Madoff & Charity

Theres something missing in the story about, Billionaire Investor Bernie Madoff and the charitys he duped.
Compassion or caring , Human interest , Empathy?
I think I understand why when Charities that hold Millions upon Millions of dollars at a time Loose it INVESTING , instead of growing the Capital of , "The Human Condition ".
We all , Well sort a, dont feel so bad ; because the condition of a great many people are far- removed from the, machinations of the rich. They have, boards of directors to over see money supposedly to help the poor? Spending more time and effort figuring out how to grow, the endowements and trusts as opposed to using it for its intended purpose?Hiring rich people to manage the money and having," lavish galas to show off the good works of the,charitable organization a highly coveted item and an exclusive investment ; to prospective donors and their legacys.
If the rich -influential of America wish to own and indefinetly control the Millions of dollars in capital that charties harbor then, They must also take possesion of the poverty that is not served by their Holdiing onto Billions of dollars that should go to HELP the Poor and needy.
Madoff Never took anything from the poor and down trodin,
He took from the rich who use, CHARITY as,"public service vehicles",
To see which of them can grow the; Biggest, Best, Brightest, Most Expensive, Exclusive , Badge of snobery to pass around and wear proundly in the inner circles of , "The Pay to Play World of Compassion".

2010 third party evolution

The election in Massachusetts for , Ted Kennedys Senate seat was another sign that the electorate is ,"angered ". People , are plain miffed! Wall street, Chrysler, Climate change garbage unfair trade , allowing terorists the same rights we have , and the patriot acts, " big brother liberty stifeling effect" and Increases in the debt limit - to pay for the- to big to fails. JOBS? JOBS? JOBS? wars Honestly we only need to look at what has been happening over the last 20 years in american politics and the response by us . Lets start by going back to ,1994. Newt Gingrich and the TV Guide Republicans offered a radical alternative to the status of washington; but they fizzled and he went off on his own and got RICH ( we got lied to again). The election of President Obama was clearly a break from our pattern of punishing the Democrats and Republicans for their Disobedience. That election was about us and what we know, " WE HAVE EQUALLITY" we proved it by electing a Black American I can tell you it was a deliberate move for the sole purpose of proving we get it. AMERICA WORKS-the dream lives no matter what your race is. We have punished the TV guidearetors, the clintoncrats and ousted the Rovian ERA architects of american imperalism. collectively our role in the nation and control of the elections is REAL the information age has made the national Psychi operate like a THIRD PARTY. WE NOW SEE CLEARLY we can take the country BACK. We dont have aparty we are cross overs WE send a message to power brokers,Republican and Democrats Alike-No more koolaide! Now we have an alternative third party. The , PUBLICRATIC PARTY. America we found a way so cross over and control, the political system. Be LOYAL to yourself!!!!!!!

Civil Disobedience 2010

Fellow citizens, do not let your friendships and associations, prevent our tounges, from " Confiding our contempt for , " The powerful arrogant classes of America". "The Publicratic Revote", begins not as an end to a means ; but as a beginning to, national defense and self control. We must now clearly define it as : The season of change for the," years of the evolution, to absolute corruption".This is the nature of governments unchecked or not! America has completed this cycle . Resulting in a , Representative Government Deft- to the, Protections, Securitys and Welfare of its citizens. As a citizen my dis-satisfaction has Been comprimised. In an Accident of" due diligence ", The People of Massachussets in a fit of , "National Passion ". Have livened us and gave us a simple idea the , " cross over vote" can now havea place in the arsonal of average AMERICANS. Massachussetts Leads the Revolt against a system long overdue for change. We must be loyal to ourselves, not the powerful- manipulative ruling elite. REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT

Scott's Brown-ian motion

Brownian Motion in science, is described as The movement of a mass, suspended in a gas or liquid ,by energy that is transfered from molecules surrounding it.
This can explain what happened in the special election in ,Massachussetts that Scott Brown won in the senate. The energy in this case was the frustration and anger of the voters that moved them to act in a decisive manner ,voting for the, Republican over the beloved staple of their political diet the, Democrat.. The realization that the status quo ofwashington is still entrenched and gleefully ,ignoring the will of the people. Washington and our national political machine is BROKE even dangerous to our liberty? Economic servitude by unfair trade agreements. Rewarding communist's and third world regimes. Manufacturing DWINDLED away . The punishing affects of Progressives on the LEFT and Right. Has gave us no alternative ; but to cross party lines and VOTE to fracture the Constant onslaught of those Citizen Legislators- Hell bent on punishing us with their." grand world orders and Hi minded idealism's!" The same things we rejected in 2008 the democrats force feed us in 2010. What arrogance the ruling elite posses's. It continuse to misuse our good will. The explanation of the movement of the VOTERS in the massuchussetts Senate race.Can be described as the energy of the voters acting upon the( matter) of scott brown to affect change- Defining yet another form of ,"Brownian Motion".


Incumbent Disatisfaction Category: News and Politics
In a poll from , CBS news-NewYork Times. 80% of people polled do not want to reelect their current congressman. I see the Illness getting worse every election since we have adopted the national politics of ,The "Clintonian- Bushys". The," Two Party Iillness". We have elected branches of government that havent listened to us for decades . Were given false choices on issues and candidates who tow the party lines. Politicians are spreading the," disease of incumbacy".They have became so entrenched in our. Institutions of government. They act more like,ticks, on the host of democracy. Feeding on our libertys, and getting fat from our treasury. So please wont you help? Go to the poles and do your part. Vote to help rid the country of the," disease of incumbancy".