Monday, February 15, 2010

Scott's Brown-ian motion

Brownian Motion in science, is described as The movement of a mass, suspended in a gas or liquid ,by energy that is transfered from molecules surrounding it.
This can explain what happened in the special election in ,Massachussetts that Scott Brown won in the senate. The energy in this case was the frustration and anger of the voters that moved them to act in a decisive manner ,voting for the, Republican over the beloved staple of their political diet the, Democrat.. The realization that the status quo ofwashington is still entrenched and gleefully ,ignoring the will of the people. Washington and our national political machine is BROKE even dangerous to our liberty? Economic servitude by unfair trade agreements. Rewarding communist's and third world regimes. Manufacturing DWINDLED away . The punishing affects of Progressives on the LEFT and Right. Has gave us no alternative ; but to cross party lines and VOTE to fracture the Constant onslaught of those Citizen Legislators- Hell bent on punishing us with their." grand world orders and Hi minded idealism's!" The same things we rejected in 2008 the democrats force feed us in 2010. What arrogance the ruling elite posses's. It continuse to misuse our good will. The explanation of the movement of the VOTERS in the massuchussetts Senate race.Can be described as the energy of the voters acting upon the( matter) of scott brown to affect change- Defining yet another form of ,"Brownian Motion".

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